vongolaprimo yo.
eytang8@yahoo.com sup
vongolaprimo hm
vongolaprimo I forgot what I was going to say.
eytang8@yahoo.com 'kay
eytang8@yahoo.com remember yet?
vongolaprimo no...
vongolaprimo I've been constantly forgetting things..
vongolaprimo dammit..I bet it was probably something important too...
vongolaprimo OH
vongolaprimo Right
eytang8@yahoo.com ?
vongolaprimo What happened to tokyotoshokan?
eytang8@yahoo.com i don't know
eytang8@yahoo.com haven't even been to the site
eytang8@yahoo.com in a long time
vongolaprimo oh really?
vongolaprimo Then what site have u been using lately?
eytang8@yahoo.com I haven't
eytang8@yahoo.com Haven't used any anime sites in months
eytang8@yahoo.com like, probably since summer
vongolaprimo oh wow
eytang8@yahoo.com yep
eytang8@yahoo.com I have a bunch of stuff I haven't got around to watching
vongolaprimo damn...I remembered Code Geass again.
eytang8@yahoo.com but whenever I try, I just stop and do something else
vongolaprimo It's soo..good.
eytang8@yahoo.com Yeah
eytang8@yahoo.com I couldn't stop
vongolaprimo lol.
eytang8@yahoo.com Watched like three hours in one day
eytang8@yahoo.com until I caught up
vongolaprimo I'm just..re watching the 2nd ed again
vongolaprimo and like..I find myself..singing. Wtf. Me singing in Japanese...it's not normal.
vongolaprimo it's soo good though. The show.
vongolaprimo I hate the ending.
vongolaprimo They could've like..
vongolaprimo told u in the end what really happened to Lelouch
eytang8@yahoo.com he might just be dead
vongolaprimo yeah.
vongolaprimo I DLed an english dub episode yesterday.
eytang8@yahoo.com lo
eytang8@yahoo.com lol
vongolaprimo It's not that bad, but it's not that good either
vongolaprimo lol Lelouch's voice is Ichigo english dub
vongolaprimo I gotta admit though..it kinda got weaker..around ep. 21 ish during 2nd season
eytang8@yahoo.com after geassing "god", what was there left to do?
vongolaprimo like...one of his main goal is to avenge his mom
vongolaprimo but like...
vongolaprimo he ended up erasing her
vongolaprimo and what was his other goal? To protect Nunnally right?
vongolaprimo But he got sidetracked and killed a lot unnecessarily
vongolaprimo lol but yeah..it's so good though lol
eytang8@yahoo.com definitely
vongolaprimo lol I bet they had all those unnecessary massacres to make the story longer
vongolaprimo lol it's just funny though
vongolaprimo oh yeah I remember when Shirley died lol that was fucked up
eytang8@yahoo.com Yep, yep, yep
vongolaprimo dammmn sucks......
vongolaprimo are u sure u don't have those Gurren files?
eytang8@yahoo.com yep
vongolaprimo T-T